Category: Your questions

Making Homemade Baby Purées

Making Homemade Baby Purées

To make homemade baby purées, I suggest a list of kitchen devices and articles that are practical and will simplify your life...
Why does my baby breastfeed longer than my friend’s?

Why does my baby breastfeed longer than my friend’s?

My friend Élise breastfeeds her baby 5 minutes per breast, and mine spends more than 20 minutes per breast. Why is there such a difference
Developing language from 0 to 1 year old: the required communication skills

Developing language from 0 to 1 year old: the required communication skills

Each baby has its own rhythm of evolution in his growth. Even if your baby doesn't talk really well compared to other children around you
Can a baby have a tooth when born?

Can a baby have a tooth when born?

Marie, my friend Suzanne told me her baby was born with a tooth. Is this possible, and is it frequent? What can expect for my
How to Establish a Sleep Routine?

How to Establish a Sleep Routine?

How can you establish a sleep routine? Finishing with the bath and massage can relax and lead to sleep.
Osteopathy and New Mothers

Osteopathy and New Mothers

To read the previous part, go to Why would someone want to see an osteopath? Pour lire la partie précédente, voir Qu’est-ce qui pourrait m’amener à
Can I give apple juice to my four-month-old baby?

Can I give apple juice to my four-month-old baby?

I want to give my baby some apple juice to help them eliminate their stool. He’s 4 months old. Is that OK? Thanks for any
Where can I find bottle nipples for a breastfed baby?

Where can I find bottle nipples for a breastfed baby?

Hello Marie! We are wondering where we can buy bottles and bottle nipples adapted for breastfeeding mothers who want to gradually add a bottle at
My baby has a bump on its head!

My baby has a bump on its head!

Marie, my baby was born 5 days ago, and yesterday a bump appeared on the side. When I called the clinic, a nurse told me
What does baby-led weaning, or BLW, mean?

What does baby-led weaning, or BLW, mean?

Baby-led weaning, or BLW is a feeding method that consists of offering pieces of food to the baby early in life.
My two-month-old baby seems to have an earache.

My two-month-old baby seems to have an earache.

Marie, my two-month-old baby seems to have an earache. He twists and turns and complains a lot more. Is he teething? Is he just naturally
How to prepare for daycare and returning to work?

How to prepare for daycare and returning to work?

Theoretically, I will be returning to work in about six weeks, and I’m already stressed about leaving my baby with someone else. Can you help