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Ultrasounds and Breastfeeding

Ultrasounds and Breastfeeding

Les ultrasons provoquent des micromassages dégageant de la chaleur qui aident à détendre les canaux lactifères dans les seins.
Low Breast Milk Production Causes due to the Mother and Breastfeeding Practices

Low Breast Milk Production Causes due to the Mother and Breastfeeding Practices

Many low breast milk causes are due to the mother and breastfeeding practices exist.
Causes of Nipple Pain

Causes of Nipple Pain

There are many causes of nipple pain. In this entry I explain causes and characteristics for both the mother and baby.
Practical Tips to Help with Nipple Injuries and Pain

Practical Tips to Help with Nipple Injuries and Pain

Here are the practical tips to help with nipple injuries and nipple pain.
Nipple pain

Nipple pain

When we talk about nipple pain, you will find out that nipple injuries are painful. Whether chapping or cracking, these injuries affect the nerve endings
Nipple Pain

Nipple Pain

Nipple injuries are painful. Whether chapping or cracking, these injuries affect the nerve endings found in the skin’s epidermis.
Breast Engorgement During Breastfeeding

Breast Engorgement During Breastfeeding

Before talking about breast engorgement solutions, I would like to define engorgement. There are two types: vascular and late.
Medications and Pregnancy

Medications and Pregnancy

Je vous propose un éventail sommaire et pratique de médicaments sans ordonnance autorisés pendant la grossesse.
Flu and pregnancy

Flu and pregnancy

Durant la grossesse, de grands changements sur le plan physiologique rendent la future mère plus vulnérable aux infections dont la grippe.