How can I stimulate my one-month-old baby?

Postnatal, Your questions

I gave birth to my baby one month ago and am breastfeeding. Everything is going fine, but I have questions because my baby sleeps a lot and I wonder if I should stimulate them to optimise their development. Is it better to wake them, or let them sleep? Thanks, Laurianne

Laurianne, your baby is very young and needs to rest. By breastfeeding you are stimulating your baby’s five senses. You can’t do much else! Be confidence, they will be awake for more extended periods, and you will have many opportunities to stimulate them by talking or singing to them, massaging them, etc. Please read my article Baby Motor Development From 0-6 Months.

Talk soon,

The Baby Expert

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How can I stimulate my one-month-old baby?

Par Marie Fortier Temps de lecture: <1 min