E-Book – Recipes for Virgin Drinks

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To get your free copy of my E-Book containing virgin drink recipes, click on the image below and download the PDF document to your device.


Recettes de boissons sans alcool pour femme enceinte ou qui allaite


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Good Lifestyle Habits and Pregnancy

Good Lifestyle Habits and Pregnancy

As a future mother, you want to do your best to promote the proper development of your baby. Here are
Physical Exam of a Baby

Physical Exam of a Baby

Parents may not know how a newborn will physically look after birth, and it may worry them. Marie does a
Caesarian deliveries

Caesarian deliveries

Some pregnancies end with a caesarian section. To prepare for this option, Marie meets with Dr. Guy Waddell. You will
Childbirth in a Hospital with an Epidural

Childbirth in a Hospital with an Epidural

Marie accompanies Karine and Jocelyn to the hospital for the birth of their second baby. During this birth, the doctor