Category: 23-24 weeks pregnant

My wrist hurts at night and feels numb. Why?

My wrist hurts at night and feels numb. Why?

What’s happening, Marie? I can’t pick up a plate because my wrist hurts in the evening. I wake up frequently because I feel numb. Do
Can I breastfeed twins?

Can I breastfeed twins?

Marie, during my first ultrasound I learned that I was going to have twins. YIKES! What a surprise! It felt like I was dreaming…not sure
What are the causes of hair loss during pregnancy and after childbirth?

What are the causes of hair loss during pregnancy and after childbirth?

If you want to learn more about hair loss, go to Hair loss during pregnancy and after childbirth. Si vous souhaitez en connaitre plus sur
Hair Care Products During Pregnancy

Hair Care Products During Pregnancy

Marie, I have to get a perm and was wondering if it is dangerous given hair care products have strong odours and I am 7
Ready for Baby’s Arrival

Ready for Baby’s Arrival

You can print the PDF list (in french only*) of the articles in the basic baby kit. It’s always preferable to use natural fibres. Clothing
Medications During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Medications During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Do you know which medications are allowed during pregnancy? What can you take for nausea or headaches? What about a cold? If congested, can I
There’s help for fathers too!

There’s help for fathers too!

To better understand the signs of depression and fathers, read Signs of Depression and Future or New Fathers. Pour mieux déceler les symptômes de dépression
23-24 Weeks Pregnant

23-24 Weeks Pregnant

Good Morning Mom and Dad! I woke up a couple of minutes ago and am having fun in my pool. I sometimes try to take
Breastfeeding with Line Boutet, a lactation consultant

Breastfeeding with Line Boutet, a lactation consultant

Date : 6 novembre 2016 Thème : Live Facebook video with Line Boutet, a lactation consultant Marie and Line answer questions about breastfeeding from internet users. The
How to deal with the fear of childbirth?

How to deal with the fear of childbirth?

If you would like to learn about the consequences of fear of childbirth, read Tokophobia and its Possible Consequences (in french only). Before Pregnancy: When
Urinary Incontinence: Pregnancy and the Postnatal Period

Urinary Incontinence: Pregnancy and the Postnatal Period

Hello, Moms! I know it’s not easy having to pee all the time from the start of your pregnancy. Has anyone ever told you why?
Is my baby too small because I’m too anxious?

Is my baby too small because I’m too anxious?

I got my 21-week ultrasound result, and my baby is a bit smaller than they should be at this stage. My doctor told me that