Tag: Life as a family

You’ve grown from a baby to a little boy.

You’ve grown from a baby to a little boy.

To read the previous part, go to You are learning so many new things! Pour lire la partie précédente, voir Tu réussis tellement de nouvelles
Postpartum Depression

Postpartum Depression

In general, the arrival of a new child is a joyful time for the whole family. But for 10-15% of new mothers, their new status
My two-month-old daughter only sleeps on us!

My two-month-old daughter only sleeps on us!

Once we place her in her cradle, she either wakes up immediately. What can we do to get her to sleep in her bed?
Babies that Regurgitate, Vomit or have Reflux

Babies that Regurgitate, Vomit or have Reflux

Updated article : October, 2023. I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut
Tick-tock…Anguish as time passes both too slowly and too quickly…

Tick-tock…Anguish as time passes both too slowly and too quickly…

To read the previous part of Chantal’s story, go to Our beautiful adventure will finally start in a few weeks. Pour lire la partie précédente
How do I make homemade baby purées?

How do I make homemade baby purées?

Hello Marie, I have a question, and I’m sure you know the answer, as you’re always full of great advice and information! My daughter Maélie
Returning Home After Childbirth

Returning Home After Childbirth

Giving birth and becoming parents changes lives. How can you get through this turbulent period?
Can you talk about RESPs for my child’s future education?

Can you talk about RESPs for my child’s future education?

Marie, I heard that we can save money a bit at a time to pay for our baby’s education. I don’t know anything about RESPs.
The annoucnement that changed everything - two babies

The annoucnement that changed everything – two babies

"Do you want to see your baby?" I wasn't expecting that. I was at the end of my first monitoring appointment with my spouse. I
Signer avec bébé

Sign Language and Babies

In his previous article, François talks about how to take time with a baby. Dans son billet précédent, François nous parle de comment prendre du
Cats and Dogs and the Return Home

Cats and Dogs and the Return Home

I have provided you with some practical advice in the entry Dog, Cat and Pregnancy, which you should read right away. But in this entry,
My baby cries a lot and it stresses me. I don’t know what to do!

My baby cries a lot and it stresses me. I don’t know what to do!

Marie, my baby cries for long periods during both the day and night. Most of the time, I am alone to take care of it,