Category: Delivery/life with the baby

My 3-month-old baby vomits several times a day.
Marie, my 3-month-old baby vomits several times a day and it is yellow-green in colour. I have never seen that before. Should I go see

My baby always wants to breastfeed!
I have been breastfeeding my baby Jérémie since he was born, and he will turn 6 weeks old tomorrow. He always wants to breastfeed from

What product should I use to clean my baby’s toys?
Marie, my baby is three months old, and they are putting everything in their mouth! I would like to know if it's safe to wash

Can I make baby purées in advance?
I’m 36 weeks pregnant, in top shape but in preventative withdrawal. I’m preparing meals for the return home after childbirth and was wondering if you

My nipples hurt!
My nipples hurt so much! I would like to know what the main reasons for nipple pain are for breastfeeding mothers.

When will my episiotomy would heal?
I gave birth 3 weeks ago and was wondering when my episiotomy wound will fully heal? Thanks for your help! Audrey-Anne Excellent question, Audrey-Anne. In

When should I get my baby’s ears pierced?
Marie, my baby Jasmine is three months old, and I am hesitant about piercing her ears. Do you have recommendations you can share? Thanks in

Advice for Parents: How to Find Your Way
Comment s’y retrouver pour prendre les meilleures décisions pour votre poupon? Qui a raison? Quelle est la formule gagnante?

My 5 month old baby wakes up 5 times a night!
I am fed up waking up 5 times a night. I know my baby isn’t hungry, wet and doesn’t need more love. What can I

Fathers and Breastfeeding
We try to promote contact, closeness, the link with your baby after their birth. Create conditions for a close relationship between you and your young

Should my baby burp several times during a breastfeeding session?
Should a baby burp several times during a breastfeeding session? It can sometimes be difficult to get a baby to burp, and some babies even