Category: Delivery/life with the baby

I feel incompetent caring for my baby!

I feel incompetent caring for my baby!

Marie, I had my baby three weeks ago, and still feel incompetence in managing the arrival of a baby in our life. I was wondering
How do I keep my baby hydrated during heat waves?

How do I keep my baby hydrated during heat waves?

Marie, can you tell me how to keep my one-month-old baby hydrated when it’s sweltering out? I can’t even seem to! Thanks, Rosemary Summer is
How do I bathe my baby?

How do I bathe my baby?

Marie, I’m anxious, as I have never handled a newborn, and I will give birth to one soon! I know I will want to help
My two-month-old baby has a small hole above the groove between his buttocks. Is this dangerous?

My two-month-old baby has a small hole above the groove between his buttocks. Is this dangerous?

Around 2 months of age, I noted that my baby had a small, shallow hole above the groove between his buttocks. It kind of looks
I feel really down! Is this postpartum depression?

I feel really down! Is this postpartum depression?

Marie, I took your prenatal classes. You sometimes talked about how we might feel down after childbirth. I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but
What product should I use to clean my baby’s toys?

What product should I use to clean my baby’s toys?

Marie, my baby is three months old, and they are putting everything in their mouth! I would like to know if it's safe to wash
How to help a constipated baby

How to help a constipated baby

In this entry, I will provide you tips to help a constipated babybreast and bottle fed baby.
Can I give goat milk to my baby?

Can I give goat milk to my baby?

I would like to give goat milk to my 9-month-old baby, but my mother said I can’t and that I have to use cow milk.
Can I use cannabis when breastfeeding?

Can I use cannabis when breastfeeding?

I am breastfeeding my one-month-old baby, and yesterday I smoked pot with my partner. I was wondering what kind of impact this can have, as
What purpose do a baby’s fontanelles on their head have?

What purpose do a baby’s fontanelles on their head have?

Updated article on October 16th, 2019. I saw a soft hole on my baby’s head. I know it’s normal, but I wanted to see if
How to Choose a Baby Carrier

How to Choose a Baby Carrier

To learn about models of baby carriers on the market, go to Babywearing Options. You need to consider many things when choosing a baby carrier.
My baby has a flaccid arm

My baby has a flaccid arm

I gave birth 3 weeks ago, and find that my baby has one arm that is more flaccid than the other. When I raise it,