Category: Delivery/life with the baby

Returning Home After Childbirth
Giving birth and becoming parents changes lives. How can you get through this turbulent period?

Does my baby have an umbilical hernia?
My name is Manon, and my baby Jeremy is 6 weeks old, and he has a bump in his belly button. I figure he has

What to do after an allergic reaction?
What should you do when dealing with an allergic reaction? The use of probiotics is being studied to help babies calm their crying.

How to Establish a Sleep Routine?
How can you establish a sleep routine? Finishing with the bath and massage can relax and lead to sleep.

Why did the nurse give my newborn a injection in the thigh?
Marie, can you tell me why the nurse gave my baby an injection in the thigh after delivery? I was too tired to ask the

Can I travel to Mexico with my 3-month-old baby?
Marie, I have the opportunity to travel with my partner for a convention in Mexico, and I am a bit worried. My baby is only

How do I make homemade baby purées?
Hello Marie, I have a question, and I’m sure you know the answer, as you’re always full of great advice and information! My daughter Maélie

How Much Solid Food Should the Baby Get?
How much solid food should the baby get? If you start between four and six months, start with small portions.

My 3-month-old baby vomits several times a day.
Marie, my 3-month-old baby vomits several times a day and it is yellow-green in colour. I have never seen that before. Should I go see

Possible Procedures to Cut the Tongue Frenulum
There are several procedures to cut the tongue frenulum. : laser surgery or surgery with scissors.

Should my baby burp several times during a breastfeeding session?
Should a baby burp several times during a breastfeeding session? It can sometimes be difficult to get a baby to burp, and some babies even

Labial Fusion or Labial Adhesion
Some young girls’ vulva labia minora will appear to be completely closed. This is called fused labia or labial adhesion. This causes stress for parents