What are the criteria for becoming a breast milk donor?

Postnatal, Your questions

Did you read the first part, What are Breast Milk Banks Used For?

Avez-vous lu la partie précédente À qui sert le lait maternel des banques de lait?

There are some basic criteria for selecting mothers who want to become breast milk donors. Mothers need to be:

  • 18 years of age and over;
  • In good health;
  • Non-smoker and not using nicotine gum or patches;
  • Breastfeeding her baby;
  • Lives in a region with a breast milk bank (maximum of one hour of transportation for breast milk reserves);
  • Did not stay in France before 1995 (related to the risk of mad cow disease)
  • A mother who consents to follow the necessary stages prior to becoming a donor.

Continue reading with How to Donate Breast Milk.

Poursuivons la lecture avec Comment faire un don de lait maternel?


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