Tag: Video capsules

Meet Bernadette de Gasquet

Meet Bernadette de Gasquet

Do you know who Mrs. Bernadette de Gasquet is? If you don’t, I want to talk to you about this inspirational woman. To learn more,
Caesarians and Fathers (video in french only)

Caesarians and Fathers (video in french only)

Une césarienne est une chirurgie. Comment se déroulera l’intervention pour les papas?
Babywearing: Installing a Wrap

Babywearing: Installing a Wrap

There are many benefits of babywearing for both parents and babies. There are many babywearing options, including woven wraps. In this video, Catherine, shows you
The leopard position

The leopard position

How can you soothe a baby with a lot of gas? How can you hold them to help release it? In this short video, I
Couchettes short

Couchettes short

In this video capsule about crib bumpers, I will talk about protective padding for the crib’s bars. Why use them and when should they be
Length of pregnancies

Length of pregnancies

In this video I will explain how we calculate your pregnancy age and your likely delivery date.
Baby Congestion

Baby Congestion

Does your baby have difficulty breathing and breastfeeding at the same time because their nose is stuffed? You don’t know what to do to clear
How to properly swathe a baby

How to properly swathe a baby

In this video capsule, I show you a technique to swaddle a baby. For more information, please watch these videos: Baby Massages How to Measure
Mobility of Pregnant Women During Pregnancy

Mobility of Pregnant Women During Pregnancy

Make no mistake pregnant women, one day you will have difficulty bending over! This is due to your baby growing inside your warm uterus. Do
How to Measure your Pregnancy and Nursing Bras

How to Measure your Pregnancy and Nursing Bras

When and how do you measure your chest? During pregnancy and then when breastfeeding, your thoracic cage expands and your morphology changes. In this capsule
Nipple Shields or Nipple Protectors

Nipple Shields or Nipple Protectors

Do you have a nipple wound and it hurts? Flat nipples or a very strong ejection reflex? Nipple shields or nipple protectors are your solution
Baby’s Colour After Childbirth

Baby’s Colour After Childbirth

When a baby is born they may seem bluish. Or their skin may be very white, almost discoloured. This can scare parents. But don’t worry,