Category: Videos

Baby Purees

Baby Purees

Marie Fortier welcomes Mélissa Labonté, a dietician and nutritionist, to talk about baby purees.
Caesarians and Fathers (video in french only)

Caesarians and Fathers (video in french only)

Une césarienne est une chirurgie. Comment se déroulera l’intervention pour les papas?
Aqua-Form and Pregnancy

Aqua-Form and Pregnancy

Have you thought about aquafit classes during your pregnancy? Discover the benefits of this water-based physical activity with an expert in prenatal aquafitness.
Can a 5-month-old baby sulk his milk?  (video clip)

Can a 5-month-old baby sulk his milk? (video clip)

Hello Marie, finally the 40 oz didn't last long; as hard as I try, she doesn't like to drink. However, when I give her cereals,
Evolution of Labour

Evolution of Labour

What conditions are necessary for natural childbirth? Marie talks about them in clear terms. You will then be able to understand labour as it evolves
Breaking Your Water

Breaking Your Water

How can you know if your water broke? What signs should you look for and what precautions should you take? Marie talks about it.
Baby Ailments

Baby Ailments

Date : 16 octobre 2016 Theme: Baby Ailments Marie answers many questions about a range of topics live on Facebook. In this week’s video, she
Preparing for Daycare

Preparing for Daycare

Date : 21 mai 2017 Theme: Preparing for Daycare with Marlène Carbonneau (french only) Facebook Live video with Marlène Carbonneau, president of the Alliance des Intervenantes
Introducing Solid Foods

Introducing Solid Foods

In this week’s video, she talks about introducing solid foods to your baby. What age should you start?
How to Measure your Pregnancy and Nursing Bras

How to Measure your Pregnancy and Nursing Bras

When and how do you measure your chest? During pregnancy and then when breastfeeding, your thoracic cage expands and your morphology changes. In this capsule
Sexuality and Pregnancy

Sexuality and Pregnancy

Can having sex at the start of pregnancy cause a miscarriage? When the baby arrives, how can you ensure you maintain your sexuality as a
Natural Methods for Pain Relief

Natural Methods for Pain Relief

Many tools and methods to soothe pain are available during childbirth.