Category: Videos
How to Measure your Pregnancy and Nursing Bras
When and how do you measure your chest? During pregnancy and then when breastfeeding, your thoracic cage expands and your morphology changes. In this capsule
Adapting to the return home with a newborn
How can you prepare for this event and help the transition go smoothly? How do you get the older brother and/or sister involved?
Being Pregnant
You just learned you are pregnant. You have questions about the changes that will take place during the pregnancy?
Welcoming a Baby that is Different
Theme: Welcoming a Baby that is Different In this video broadcast on Sunday, March 4, 2018, and pre-recorded at CHU Sainte-Justine, I am accompanied by
Natural Methods for Pain Relief
Many tools and methods to soothe pain are available during childbirth.
Becoming a Parent and Anxiety
The perinatal period is a time in life where there are often more signs of anxiety. What are the signs and how can you recognise
The leopard position
How can you soothe a baby with a lot of gas? How can you hold them to help release it? In this short video, I
Can I add pumped milk to the milk in the fridge?
Hello Marie! This morning I pumped my milk but only got 2 ounces. I was told to put it in the fridge and to not
I want to introduce meats, but how should I start?
Hello! The doctor’s office is closed, and I have a question for you. My daughter is 6 months old and has been eating fruits, vegetables
My baby has difficulty sleeping because of reflux. What should I do?
Question from a mother: My baby has severe reflux. The only way to get them to sleep is to rock them because the movement prevents
Couchettes short
In this video capsule about crib bumpers, I will talk about protective padding for the crib’s bars. Why use them and when should they be
Baby Congestion
Does your baby have difficulty breathing and breastfeeding at the same time because their nose is stuffed? You don’t know what to do to clear