I am pregnant with twins. When should I give birth?

17-18 weeks pregnant, Prenatal

Hello Marie, I am pregnant 33 weeks five days pregnant with twin girls! Yesterday I had an ultrasound, and the girls are doing great. 5lbs for both. The doctor at the CHUS said I was 2cm dilated and my cervix was 80% effaced…Based on your expertise, how long till I give birth? Should I expect my girls soon? Thanks!

To learn more, watch these videos:

  •   Twins
  •   I’m 32 weeks pregnant, and the baby feels very low. Is this normal?
  •   Warning Signs of Imminent Labour
  •   The Bonapace Method

Read these articles:

  •   Breastfeeding and Twins
  •   Breast Milk Transformation
  •   Is Baby Refusing their Bottle?



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