Category: Delivery/life with the baby

I have a white spot on the tip of my nipple

I have a white spot on the tip of my nipple

I saw a white spot on the tip of my nipple. I don’t know what to do, but it is very sensitive when I breastfeed
My New Role as Father

My New Role as Father

You might be wondering if you will be able to handle your newborn, give them their bath, burp them, change their diapers. You’ve never cared
What are Epstein Pearls?

What are Epstein Pearls?

Marie, my baby has a fungal infection, thrush in his mouth, but I only see it on his palate, accompanied by small bumps. Do I
What snacks can I give my baby?

What snacks can I give my baby?

Marie, I am running out of ideas for snacks for my 9-month-old baby. He eats and drinks very well. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks
Hair Tourniquets

Hair Tourniquets

Mon bébé aurait pu subir une amputation de son orteil à cause du syndrome du tourniquet. Qu'est-ce que le syndrome du tourniquet?
Caring for the Umbilical Cord

Caring for the Umbilical Cord

We had our baby 10 days ago. My husband and I are caring for our little boy, and when we have to clean his umbilical
How can I deal with my smoking addiction?

How can I deal with my smoking addiction?

Did you read the section about tobacco and breastfeeding? The pregnancy period for women is a time in life where they’re open to and made
Can I co-sleep with my eight-week-old baby?

Can I co-sleep with my eight-week-old baby?

I have an eight-week-old baby and they often sleep in my bed with me because they have stomach aches and this is the only way
Why try a VBAC?

Why try a VBAC?

To learn more about VBACs, go to Vaginal Birth After Caesarean (VBAC). Why try a VBAC? Without a doubt, vaginal births are much less risky
Walking Barefoot, with Slippers or with a Support Shoe?

Walking Barefoot, with Slippers or with a Support Shoe?

Without slippers, it’s great for a baby to feel things under their bare feet. It’s another way to reinforce their muscles.
How can we relieve colic?

How can we relieve colic?

Using probiotics for at least four weeks can diminish some colic symptoms, such as bloating or pain.
When will my episiotomy would heal?

When will my episiotomy would heal?

I gave birth 3 weeks ago and was wondering when my episiotomy wound will fully heal? Thanks for your help! Audrey-Anne Excellent question, Audrey-Anne. In