Category: Delivery/life with the baby

My daughter is scratching her head. Can I apply something to her scalp?

My daughter is scratching her head. Can I apply something to her scalp?

Marie, ma fille de 5 mois se gratte la tête depuis presque 10 jours. Elle tire et perd beaucoup de cheveux, elle a des croûtes
I am terrified my baby will have a flat head!

I am terrified my baby will have a flat head!

I have a 3-week-old baby, and I am terrified he will have a flat head! At the hospital, they told me to change positions frequently,
If I use a breast shield, at some point will I be able to remove it?

If I use a breast shield, at some point will I be able to remove it?

I would like to know if I use a nipple shield with my 2-week old baby, at some point will I be able to remove
I feel incompetent caring for my baby!

I feel incompetent caring for my baby!

Marie, I had my baby three weeks ago, and still feel incompetence in managing the arrival of a baby in our life. I was wondering
My baby regurgitates frequently, even after starting solid foods

My baby regurgitates frequently, even after starting solid foods

My baby will be 6 months old in a couple of days. Since birth, he regurgitates a lot. Many people have told me that this
Bathing with a baby: lakes, public and private pools.

Bathing with a baby: lakes, public and private pools.

Can I swim with my three-month-old baby in a lake? Our parents live on the shore of the lake, and I would like to go
Can my 12-month-old baby drink 2% milk?

Can my 12-month-old baby drink 2% milk?

Marie, at home we drink 2% milk, and my 12-month-old baby is eating well from all food groups. I was wondering if we can use
What should I do if my baby chokes or stops breathing?

What should I do if my baby chokes or stops breathing?

I will be giving birth soon, and I am scared about returning home because I don’t know what to do if my baby chokes or
My baby reacted strongly to its four month vaccinations

My baby reacted strongly to its four month vaccinations

My four-month-old baby had his vaccinations yesterday and is horrible! He complains all the time, I have to carry them. And last night? TERRIBLE! I
Why do I have to wake up my newborn at night to feed him?

Why do I have to wake up my newborn at night to feed him?

Marie, the nurse who came to my home, told me to wake up my baby after 5 hours of sleep because he is only four
Short tongue frenelum: to cut or not to cut

Short tongue frenelum: to cut or not to cut

Some newborns born with a tongue frenulum (a band of tissue just under the tongue) that is too short. They can’t stick out their tongue
My baby’s eyes are always watery!

My baby’s eyes are always watery!

My 3-week-old baby has watery eyes. It’s sometimes yellowish in the morning and sticks to their eyelids. What is causing this? What should I do?