I am worried my baby isn’t getting enough iron!

Postnatal, Your questions


My baby is 7 months old and doesn’t eat a lot. He doesn’t want to eat meat but is fine with the other food groups. Each time he tastes meat, he spits it out. I don’t know if he’s getting enough for his needs. Oh, and I still breastfeed at least 5 times a day. How do I know if he’s getting enough? Thanks for any advice and reassurance for a worried mother.


Dear Laury,

Indeed, after 6 months, a baby’s iron needs increase due to their fast growth during this period of life. I’m happy to hear you’re still breastfeeding. This will ensure that he gets a source of iron that is easily digested, but in reality, you need to add it to his diet. Meat is the best source of iron to prevent infant anemia. Please go to my blog about iron needs for a baby for more information.

Talk soon,

The Baby Expert

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