Lump of skin in the bottom of the belly button

Your questions

Marie, my baby lost their dried umbilical cord but there is a lump of skin in the bottom of their belly button. What do I do with that? I keep cleaning and drying it and there are no signs of infection.

Thanks for your help, Anne-Lise

I understand why you are asking your question Anne-Lise. This surplus skin is called a granuloma. In fact, a granuloma is made up of granulation tissues that are produced in reaction to the wound healing process. Also, if this lump of skin remains over time, the doctor can use silver nitrate sticks to help the healing process and help the granuloma detach easier. Ask your doctor during your next appointment. This is nothing serious for your baby and there is no pain involved. Keep providing the same care.

Talk soon,


The Baby Expert

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Lump of skin in the bottom of the belly button

Par Marie Fortier Temps de lecture: 1 min