My two-month-old baby has a small hole above the groove between his buttocks. Is this dangerous?

Postnatal, Your questions

Around 2 months of age, I noted that my baby had a small, shallow hole above the groove between his buttocks. It kind of looks like a comma…I read that many babies have this. I also read that sacral dimples can be dangerous?! Should I see the doctor about this? Thanks, Joséanne

No, Joséanne, you don’t have to worry as long as the tiny hole at the base of the spine has a bottom. After childbirth, the doctor who examined your baby will have seen the dimple and observed the bottom before releasing you with your baby. If the doctor had doubts, he would have done more tests to make sure there were no problems associated with the spina bifida family of disorders. Your baby has already been examined, so you don’t need to go back in for another visit.


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My two-month-old baby has a small hole above the groove between his buttocks. Is this dangerous?

Par Juliana Roy Temps de lecture: 1 min