Fathers, Cannabis and Pregnancy

Health advice

If you want to learn about the effects related to cannabis use, read the previous article — The Potential Effects of Cannabis During Pregnancy.

Fathers are important in the support they provide during pregnancy and parenthood.

I’m talking to the fathers today. Your partner is carrying your baby, she’s experiencing her pregnancy, and has to take care of herself. She has to eat right, exercise, sleep properly. She shouldn’t drink alcohol or smoke. She has to work hard to promote her own health and the optimal development of your baby.

You should also know that your encouragements and the care you provide are very important. She needs to feel that you’re supporting her during this life stage. Together, you will share a beautiful life gift together, your baby. As such, you have responsibilities to her, and being all-in when supporting and caring for her is essential. By taking care of her, you’re also taking care of your future baby.

A pregnant woman who stops using cannabis needs your help and encouragement to avoid the temptation of harmful substances. You know these can have negative impacts on your baby. If you use cannabis, I strongly encourage you to stop. Out of your loving respect for your spouse, at a minimum, I would ask that you never use it around her.

If you need help, you can call a 24/7 drug helpline at

Drogue : aide et référence at 1 800 265‑2626

I hope this article has helped you understand the issues around the use of cannabis during pregnancy.

Talk soon,

The Baby Expert

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