A breast bigger than the other?

11-12 weeks pregnant, Questions/answers

Marie, is it normal that I have a breast that is bigger than the other? It might be a silly question, but with the changes I am going through during pregnancy, it has become really evident. Also, if I want to breastfeed my baby, will the smaller breast produce less? Thanks, Agathe

Agathe, you are very normal! In fact, most women have asymmetric breasts. As you said, the difference is not often visible to the naked eye, but if you raise your arms in front of your mirror, you will clearly see which breast is bigger than the other. This will not affect your breastfeeding, as it’s not the size but the stimulation of production that counts!

Talk soon,


The Baby Expert 

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A breast bigger than the other?

Par Marie Fortier Temps de lecture: <1 min