I have genital herpes and don’t want to infect my baby!

17-18 weeks pregnant, Health advice, Questions/answers

I don’t know if you can help me, but I have genital herpes. I don’t currently have an outbreak, but I am pregnant and scared for my baby. Please, how can I prevent infecting my baby?


Laura, pregnant women who know they have genital herpes, should notify their health professional. They will then take precautions when treating you for an outbreak during your pregnancy. Also, around the 36th week of pregnancy, you will be prescribed a treatment to prevent active wounds on your vulva during childbirth. This is to avoid having a cesarean section because the baby’s eyes and mouth could become infected if born vaginally. An infection could lead to severe complications for the baby. If the doctor knows ahead of time, they will do everything to make sure the baby doesn’t become infected.


The Baby Expert 


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