My period is late but the pregnancy test is negative. Am I pregnant

5-6 weeks pregnant, Health advice

I just took a pregnancy test with my period being three days late and it’s negative, but I am convinced that I am pregnant. Can I be pregnant after a negative test?

Thanks for your help, Charline.

Yes, Charline. This situation occurs more often than we think, and we call it a “false negative.” The main reason is that the test was done too early. Pregnancy hormones in urine are not abundant enough to be found in the urine test. Even if your menstrual cycle is normally regular, stress, temperature changes, temporary emotional changes can change your menstrual cycle, which can also change your expectations. Please read my article about pregnancy tests for more information.

Talk soon,

The Baby Expert 


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My period is late but the pregnancy test is negative. Am I pregnant

Par Marie Fortier Temps de lecture: <1 min