Consuming Milk in the Form of Popsicles

7-8 weeks pregnant, Health advice

For some people, it’s hard to get enough milk daily to reach recommended levels because they don’t like the taste or texture.

During periods of growth, pregnancy, breastfeeding and at any time in life, calcium from dairy products is essential. Added vitamin D helps intestinal absorption of calcium and is necessary for its efficient use. Milk contains 15 nutritional elements which help the human body develop healthy, strong bones.

In this article:

  •   Dietary sources of calcium
  •   Advice to increase your daily consumption of dairy products
  •   Milkshake popsicle recipe

Two-thirds of calcium in our diet comes from milk and dairy products. This is why we strongly suggest that future mothers consume at least 3-4 portions of dairy products a day. They should continue this when breastfeeding.

Even if you mix other foods with dairy products, heat or cook them, they maintain their nutritional value in calcium.

Dietary Sources of Calcium

Many people are unable to drink milk but can eat cheese and yogurt. You should know that the best dietary sources of calcium (more than 275mg) in a diet are: 

  •         Milk
  •         Enriched soy drinks
  •         Tofu (rich in calcium sulphate)
  •         Plain yogurt
  •         Whole sesame seeds

Photo - Fromage cottage - Consommer du lait en bâtonnet glacé

If you look at sources with more than 165mg, we can find cheeses (mozzarella, cheddar, parmesan, gouda, feta), flavoured yogurt, sardines and salmon.

Sources with lower levels of calcium (more than 55mg) include ricotta, cottage cheese, broccoli, oranges, scallops, cooked oysters, almonds and sunflower seeds.

As an example, to get the same amount of calcium as in an 8oz glass of milk, you need to eat 1 cup of almonds or 2 cups of broccoli.

To continue reading, go to Advice to Increase your Daily Consumption of Dairy Products.

Lire la suite : Quelques trucs pour augmenter votre consommation quotidienne de produits laitiers

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