I’m at the start of my pregnancy and am losing blood

7-8 weeks pregnant, Questions/answers

Marie, I am very worried as I am losing blood and am 8 weeks pregnant. I really don’t want a miscarriage, as I have been waiting for this for a long time. Can you help me? Thank you, Marie-France

Marie-France, between 20-30% of pregnant women have irregular bleeding, which is called spotting. Most of the time, this is due to the nesting of your fertilised ovum. When implanting in the endometrium, you may have low levels of blood loss, which may be red or brownish that looks like coagulated blood. 

This doesn’t mean that you are having a miscarriage. Until proven otherwise, you are losing blood during the first trimester, which we see often. But if you have intense cramps and severe pain, or your blood loss increases and contains clots, you should go see your doctor for an exam. 

Some women will have a friable cervix, which is associated with hormones and blood vessel dilation. Sometimes during a vaginal exam or sexual relations, there may be mild bleeding. Knowing this means that you will be less scared, right? Now, just do what you usually do as a pregnant woman! We can’t control nature. So for the moment, trust in life and take care of yourself!

Talk soon,


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