What is couvade syndrome?

7-8 weeks pregnant, Questions/answers

Marie, what is couvade syndrome? Charlotte

Hello Charlotte,

Thank you for your question. Many future fathers are affected by this syndrome, and few people understand what is happening and how they are feeling.

Couvade syndrome is also known as sympathetic pregnancy. The syndrome has been scientifically identified and is real. Future fathers feel physical or emotional pregnancy symptoms, sometimes more intensely than their partners.

connue aussi sous l’appellation grossesse sympathique des papas.

Some future fathers will have nausea, vomiting and feel awful. It’s surprising, but this can be explained by hormonal changes in a man when expecting a baby. It can also be associated with their sincere desire (even if subconscious) to participate in the pregnancy, worries about the future, unknowns related to becoming a parent, or maybe losing their place in the household. It occurs at a subconscious level, but luckily it will disappear over time! 😊

Talk soon,


The Baby Expert

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