Can I give my baby soy drinks?

Postnatal, Your questions

Hello Marie, I have a question for you. I am breastfeeding my 9-month-old baby, and I want to wean him soon for when I go back to work. Since we are vegetarians, my partner and I were wondering if we can give our baby soy drinks instead of cow milk? Is that okay? Marilou

You are asking a good question. Current research indicates that soy drinks that are available on the market will not meet a baby’s needs if they are aged under 1 year. They have fewer calories and less fatty acids, which are essential for their development. If you use soy drinks after 1 year, don’t forget that they should be enriched. This is fine if your baby eats everything, and their growth (weight and height) is as expected.

Talk soon,


The Baby Expert 

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Par Marie Fortier Temps de lecture: 1 min