My baby ate soap!

Postnatal, Your questions

Marie, I had a horrible experience this week! My 11-month-old baby ate a massive amount of soap! I was freaked out, and then he vomited! He seemed in perfect condition afterwards, but I decided to check with the doctor if it could have been dangerous, and it seems it wasn’t. I wanted to share this experience with you and your readers. Keep the bar of soap out of the reach of children! 😊

Thank you for sharing my experience, Sherley

Sherley, thank you for sharing your experience. Indeed, young ones are often apt to stick anything into their mouths.

These types of situations are very stressful. It’s a good idea to find the telephone number for your local poison control centre, as they can help parents like you react if they don’t know what to do and want to make sure their child isn’t in danger. Thanks for think about other parents too!

For the Quebec poison control centre, the number is 1-800-463-5060.

sans frais : le Centre antipoison du Québec au 1 800 463-5060.

Talk soon,


The Baby Expert

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My baby ate soap!

Par Marie Fortier Temps de lecture: 1 min