I have inverted nipples. Can I breastfeed?

27-28 weeks pregnant, Questions/answers

I am pregnant and want to breastfeed my baby. However, I have inverted nipples, and I am scared that my baby won’t be able to latch. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks, Lisa

Hello Lisa,

Even if you have invaginated nipples (inverted nipples), nothing will stop you from breastfeeding your baby. When the baby latches the nipple, the baby has to open their mouth wide, taking both the nipple and areola around the nipple. So even if your nipple is inverted, the baby can latch on. It’s repeated sucking may even break up adherences and free your nipples and they may become more erect.

During pregnancy, some people may suggest that you wear a nipple shield, or use your breast pump to try and pull out your nipples. They may also advise you to roll your nipples between two fingers or use a nipple shield after childbirth to assist your first breastfeeding efforts with your baby.

There are different things you can try to help, and you have to notify the nurse that you want to breastfeed and are concerned when you go into the hospital. She will pay more attention to this during your first attempts at breastfeeding. I strongly encourage you to be confident! 


The Baby Expert 

Ou bien d’utiliser ton tire-lait pour solliciter la sortie de tes mamelons vers la fin de la grossesse ou encore de rouler ton mamelon avec 2 doigts pour le sortir un peu plus et de prendre un bout de sein après l’accouchement pour aider les premières tétées avec ton bébé.

Tu vois, il y a des petits trucs pour t’aider et il faut aviser l’infirmière dès ton entrée à la maternité de ton désir d’allaiter et de ton inquiétude, car elle accordera plus d’attention à ce niveau lors de l’ébauche à l’allaitement avec ton bébé. Aie confiance, je t’encourage très fort,

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I have inverted nipples. Can I breastfeed?

Par Marie Fortier Temps de lecture: 1 min