I would like to give birth naturally. Can you suggest things to help soothe pain?

31-32 weeks pregnant, Questions/answers

My name is Adèle, and I am pregnant with my first baby. What stresses me the most is that I would like to give birth naturally, but I am not sure if I will be able. Do you have any suggestions or things I can do during labour to give birth naturally? Thanks in advance, Adèle.

Thanks for writing to me Adèle. I already have positive thoughts about your delivery, and it’s reasonable to be worried about the unknown. Just by knowing different natural options that can help during labour will help raise your confidence. Also, please read my article I wrote about the topic for more details: Natural Methods to Soothe Pain during Childbirth. All the best for you and your baby Adèle.


The Baby Expert 

Les méthodes naturelles de soulagement de la douleur durant l’accouchement. Je te souhaite le meilleur pour toi et ton bébé Adèle.

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I would like to give birth naturally. Can you suggest things to help soothe pain?

Par Marie Fortier Temps de lecture: 1 min