I am at 40 weeks tomorrow!

39-40 weeks pregnant, Health advice, Testimonials

Read the previous part of Charlotte’s story, I am 39 weeks pregnant, and I lost a bit of fluid.

Lisez le récit précédant de Charlotte, Je suis à 39 semaines de grossesse et j’ai perdu un peu de liquide.

Dear Parents,

I am at 40 weeks tomorrow, and the baby still hasn’t come.

This week, every day was like an eternity. My contractions have become very infrequent. Each day is a day I am separated from my baby, and I start work in two months! Two months is not a lot of time!

I start a new teaching position when school starts, so I can’t delay my start date. It’s either work or employment insurance, and the job is fantastic. Even though my husband will be there for the baby and help with the transition with a nanny, I feel terrible…

I know that it a few days you will be there baby and that everything will be forgotten. The nine months of nightmares, anxiety about the future. And I have no regrets. This time allowed me to get close to you. But I still can’t picture how it will end, or believe that I will give birth one day!

I am happy that summer vacation is coming. The end of year professional and personal tasks are starting to diminish. The start of school is ready, the end of year student shows end tonight. The children will head home soon…camping, summer camp, vacation…I have had to work hard to finish lots of things.

So I know that you will spend lots of quality time with dad and me.

Photo - 40 semaines de grossesse - journal intime de Charlotte

It reassures me. I figured this out when trying the rocking chair that I gave to myself for your birth.

My mother is an older lady and isn’t doing very well, and has gotten worse over the past couple of weeks. Sometimes she is better, but is dependent on help and can’t do things she used to be able to alone. It worries me because I will be swamped, and it is a weight on my shoulders, even if I try to take care of her. She also writes me a lot, and it’s hard to keep my personal space, even when we aren’t together.

I won’t be giving birth to you in the ideal context I thought I would. After eight months with you, thinking about nothing else. But I know that you will arrive in a family that will love you, with parents who adore their children and will know how to take care of you. Your brother and sister are really looking forward to meeting you!

Hurry up, kiddo! I can’t wait to meet you and hug you!

To continue reading, go to, I am at 41 weeks and still nothing!

Pour lire la suite, consultez Je suis à 41 semaines et toujours rien!

Your mother,


The opinions in this article are the author’s alone.

Photo - Avatar de Charlotte, maman collaboratrice au journal d'une maman

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