Category: Videos

Babywearing: Installing a Wrap

Babywearing: Installing a Wrap

There are many benefits of babywearing for both parents and babies. There are many babywearing options, including woven wraps. In this video, Catherine, shows you
I have strep-B - What should I expect?

I have strep-B – What should I expect?

Hello Marie, I am 37 weeks 2 days pregnant. After having a test last week, I just learned that I have strep-B. I saw my


Contractions scare many pregnant women. How to identify and calculate them?
Warning Signs of Imminent Labour

Warning Signs of Imminent Labour

Are you getting close to your delivery date? What signs indicate that you are slowing going into labour and delivery?
Sunscreen for babies under six months?

Sunscreen for babies under six months?

Do you have any articles on your website that talk about travelling south with a baby? I am going with my five-month-old! I have heard
Prenatal Yoga

Prenatal Yoga

Doing yoga during pregnancy is both possible and a great idea. Yoga can help reduce the intensity of pain during labour and delivery.
My baby has difficulty sleeping because of reflux. What should I do?

My baby has difficulty sleeping because of reflux. What should I do?

Question from a mother: My baby has severe reflux. The only way to get them to sleep is to rock them because the movement prevents
Is it normal that my 3.5 month old baby drinks 2-3 times a night?

Is it normal that my 3.5 month old baby drinks 2-3 times a night?

Question from a mother: Hello! Is it normal that my 3.5-month-old baby is still drinking 2-3 times a night (she was breastfed)? My friends who
Bathing a Newborn

Bathing a Newborn

You might feel insecure giving a newborn a bath. Marie demonstrates a newborn bath massage with baby Romain.
Perinatal Depression

Perinatal Depression

What are the depression signs, potential causes and how to get over it?
Lifting a car seat

Lifting a car seat

Do you know how to lift a baby carrier without throwing out your back? In this video, I show you a simple way to lift
Breastfeeding with Line Boutet, a lactation consultant

Breastfeeding with Line Boutet, a lactation consultant

Date : 6 novembre 2016 Thème : Live Facebook video with Line Boutet, a lactation consultant Marie and Line answer questions about breastfeeding from internet users. The