Vaginal Birth After Caesarean (VBAC)

Delivery, Postnatal

Hello Future Parents,

Once again I have a hot topic I want to talk to you about.

Some mothers out there have maybe already had a caesarean section, either planned or during labour. Doctors may have different reasons to take this decision to prevent serious risks. That said, not all childbirths with complications will automatically end with a caesarean section.

In this article:

If we look at historical medical practices, a woman who had a caesarean had to resign herself to having one for all subsequent births. But times have changed! Today, with new advanced medical and surgical technologies and practices, it is possible to attempt a vaginal delivery after a caesarean. Many parents want to try. In many situations, health professionals promote vaginal birth after caesarean (VBAC), sometimes called a trial of labour after caesarean (TLAC). However, like with all vaginal births, success is not guaranteed.

You can choose to have another caesarean from the start. It will likely be planned for around 39 weeks of pregnancy, and you will know the date ahead of time. As such, you can eliminate the risk of a caesarean during labour.

However, to make the best choice possible, I want to talk about vaginal births after caesarean.

What is a VBAC?

A VBAC is a vaginal birth after caesarean, which is a lot shorter to say! 😊

VBAC success rates are very high, around 75%. So about three out of four women can give birth vaginally or naturally rather than having another caesarean.

A woman that had a caesarean has to live with a scar on her uterus. From this point, the tissues are weaker and less resistant than healthy ones. A future pregnancy will lead to progressive distension of the uterus muscle, which is at higher risk of rupture (less than 1% in North America). This is why precautions are taken to prevent complications like this one.

To learn about the reasons to try a VBAC, go to Why try a VBAC?

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