Category: Delivery/life with the baby
How to Prevent Emergency Situations with a Baby
I will talk about preventative steps you can take to avoid circumstances that can danger your baby’s life or newborn's life.
Are there natural contraception methods that don’t use artificial hormones?
I gave birth a month ago and I am breastfeeding my baby. I don’t want to take birth control pills or use other methods that
When to worry about your little one’s language?
When to worry about your little one's language? If you notice signs that raise questions, trust yourself as a parent.
Baby/Child First-Aid Kit
Here is a list of important items and numbers to put in your first-aid kit for your baby or your first-aid kit for your child.
How can we relieve colic?
Using probiotics for at least four weeks can diminish some colic symptoms, such as bloating or pain.
Caesarean or no?
A caesarian is another way to bring a baby into the world, and it’s very important to talk about it when preparing for childbirth.
Can I add cereal to my two-month-old baby’s bottle?
Help, I’m desperate! My baby is 2.5 months old, and he always cries. My mother told me that he’s too hungry and I have to
Returning Home After Childbirth
Giving birth and becoming parents changes lives. How can you get through this turbulent period?
Why give vitamin D to my baby?
Marie, why do we have to give vitamin D supplements to babies, even if I’m breastfeeding? Thanks in advance for your answer, Joanna Great question
Paternal Depression and Baby’s Arrival
Hello Parents, Fatherhood doesn’t start in the maternity ward! It starts much earlier! A man develops throughout life, and this is influenced by their education,
What can I do if my ejection reflex is too strong?
Hello Marie, what can I do if my ejection reflex is too strong? My baby is 11 weeks old and has difficulty almost every time
How to Donate Breast Milk
Make sure you read the first part, What are the Criteria for Becoming a Breast Milk Donor? Assurez-vous de lire la partie précédente de ce