What can I do if my ejection reflex is too strong?

Postnatal, Your questions

Hello Marie, what can I do if my ejection reflex is too strong? My baby is 11 weeks old and has difficulty almost every time she breastfeeds. It has become difficult for both her and me. She also suffers from gastric reflux. Is there something I can do to help her? Thanks, Sandra 

Sandra, you can breastfeed from one breast at a time while pumping the other one to soothe your discomfort and reduce your production. This will automatically reduce your ejection reflex. You can also pump a bit off milk from both your breasts before breastfeeding to reduce your reflex, but it will increase your production. Much depends on your situation, but these two solutions can help! Please read my article about reflux.

Va aussi lire mon billet sur le reflux.

Talk soon,


The Baby Expert

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