How to Choose a Baby Carrier

Postnatal, Your questions

To learn about models of baby carriers on the market, go to Babywearing Options.

You need to consider many things when choosing a baby carrier. I will look at the different aspects in this article.

The first thing you need to do is to identify your needs. Do you want a baby carrier for long hikes, or just around the house? Do you have special needs, such as twins?

You also need to set a budget. A baby carrier will make your lives easier, like a stroller, and they can vary in cost between $60-250 (and more). It depends on the type, the materials used (fibre, silk, cashmere, hemp, wool), the source and its versatility.

Take the time to shop around to examine different baby carriers and ask questions. And if possible, try them out, or rent them if possible. There’s nothing better than trying something out to know if it is comfortable and will meet your needs.

You can also buy used baby carriers, but you have to make sure that it’s a model you want and it is in excellent shape. If it isn’t, you will have lost money and put your baby’s safety at risk.

I spoke with an expert, Catherine.

Her advice:

  • Take the time to practice! Nothing is ever perfect the first time…
  • Do it in front of a mirror
  • Practice with a stuffed animal or cushion
  • As someone to help you the first times when using a baby carrier with your baby
  • If you had a caesarean birth, you could still babywear. If you can hold your baby in your arms, you can babywear
  • If you are once again pregnant and want to babywear, a baby carrier on the back is likely better as your abdomen grows, but only if your child is at the right age. Babywearing is possible depending on your medical condition and discomforts.
  • During the summer, you should avoid babywearing during extreme heat. There is also a baby carrier with materials that are both resistant and aerated, but not for every age as it is stretchable.
  • In the winter you can babywear with your baby both under and over top of your coat, but be careful of icy conditions. You might fall with your baby.
  • If your baby was born premature or has muscle tone problems, or if you have twins, you should speak to a babywearing specialist when choosing a carrier. They can help you with your specific needs.
  • You can also take workshops in specialised stores and meet knowledgeable clerks.

This advice should help you develop confidence, your child will fell it, and it will make them feel secure. Both of you will have a better babywearing experience.

In this video, Catherine also shows you how to use a woven wrap.

I hope this helps you when thinking about babywearing, and I hope you decide to babywear for many years to come.

Thanks to Catherine for her help with this article.

Billet_portage_capucin_Audrey Blais-Qc Emmanuel-Amélie Corriveau-Victo avec Elliot-Catherine Gilbert-Sherbrooke avec Alice_lowres

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