How to prepare for daycare and returning to work?

Postnatal, Your questions

Theoretically, I will be returning to work in about six weeks, and I’m already stressed about leaving my baby with someone else. Can you help me prepare for this? My partner is okay with it, but I’m having problems adjusting…

Thanks in advance,


It’s true that returning to work for a new mother is a crucial yet difficult stage. I know that you’re feeling many contradictory emotions, but remember that the way you manage the situation influences your baby’s reactions. You and your partner are preparing to be separated from your baby, and this transition period must be progressive. Please go to my article Returning to Work and Daycare for practical advice that can help you better manage this change.

Talk soon,

The Baby Expert

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How to prepare for daycare and returning to work?

Par Marie Fortier Temps de lecture: 1 min