Category: Your questions

My baby ate soap!

My baby ate soap!

Marie, I had a horrible experience this week! My 11-month-old baby ate a massive amount of soap! I was freaked out, and then he vomited!
Does my baby have diarrhea?

Does my baby have diarrhea?

Marie, how can I know if my baby has diarrhea? She’s three weeks old and I am breastfeeding full-time, and her stool is always in
I have a tingling sensation in my breasts before breastfeeding.

I have a tingling sensation in my breasts before breastfeeding.

I don’t know what’s happening, but I often have a tingling sensation in my breasts before breastfeeding, and sometimes between sessions. Why does this happen?
List of things you can do if the baby cries a lot

List of things you can do if the baby cries a lot

I prepared a list of things you can do if the baby cries a lot. I also suggest you keep a daily journal of when
When to Feed the Baby Solids

When to Feed the Baby Solids

Il peut être difficile de savoir quand faire manger bébé. Avant 4 mois, votre bébé n’est pas physiologiquement prêt à recevoir des solides.
How can I pump my milk if my baby feeds every three hours?

How can I pump my milk if my baby feeds every three hours?

My 3-week-old baby feeds well every three hours, and I would like to store my milk so that my partner can give a bottle from
Why try a VBAC?

Why try a VBAC?

To learn more about VBACs, go to Vaginal Birth After Caesarean (VBAC). Why try a VBAC? Without a doubt, vaginal births are much less risky
How do you use saline water to clear a baby’s nose?

How do you use saline water to clear a baby’s nose?

How do you use saline water to clear a baby's nose? Thanks! Alyce Excellent question, Alyse!  Always go slowly and make sure you hold the
Can I co-sleep with my eight-week-old baby?

Can I co-sleep with my eight-week-old baby?

I have an eight-week-old baby and they often sleep in my bed with me because they have stomach aches and this is the only way
How can I prevent my baby from getting an infection?

How can I prevent my baby from getting an infection?

My son just started daycare 2 days a week, as he is already 9 months old. This morning when I took him there, I heard
How do I cut my baby’s nails?

How do I cut my baby’s nails?

My baby is scratching his face with his nails, and I don’t want to cut them because he is so tiny. He’s two and a
Sunscreen or no?

Sunscreen or no?

As summer approaches, many parents are wondering how to protect their baby from the sun. Can sunscreen be applied to a young child? Which sunscreen