Category: Your questions

It hurts when I breastfeed!

It hurts when I breastfeed!

I know that when we start breastfeeding, a mother may have nipple wounds…but I can’t stand it anymore! Please, I need help… Melissa I understand
Dilating the foreskin

Dilating the foreskin

Marie, my little boy Edward is 2 months old, and my mother always tells me that I have to try and dilate is foreskin. I
Can I make baby purées in advance?

Can I make baby purées in advance?

I’m 36 weeks pregnant, in top shape but in preventative withdrawal. I’m preparing meals for the return home after childbirth and was wondering if you
Storing Baby Purées

Storing Baby Purées

La conservation des purées de bébé comporte plusieurs contraintes. Voici les indications à suivre afin de vous assurer de bien la réussir.
I am stressed about caring for my baby!

I am stressed about caring for my baby!

I haven’t given birth to my baby yet, but just thinking about having to wash their umbilical cord after childbirth stresses me!
Is my colostrum rich enough even though there isn’t much?

Is my colostrum rich enough even though there isn’t much?

I am a new mother, and a nurse in the maternity ward told me that the colostrum from my breasts is very rich for my
Choroid Plexus Cysts

Choroid Plexus Cysts

Marie, I have been worried for three days, as during my 21-week ultrasound, the technician told me he saw two cysts in my baby’s brain.
My 5 month old baby wakes up 5 times a night!

My 5 month old baby wakes up 5 times a night!

I am fed up waking up 5 times a night. I know my baby isn’t hungry, wet and doesn’t need more love. What can I
Does my baby have an umbilical hernia?

Does my baby have an umbilical hernia?

My name is Manon, and my baby Jeremy is 6 weeks old, and he has a bump in his belly button. I figure he has
My baby is eight months old and always wants stand. Is this too early?

My baby is eight months old and always wants stand. Is this too early?

My name is Jacinthe and Charlie, my eight-month-old baby always wants to stand with us. Do you think this is too early?
My baby has a flat head. What should I do?

My baby has a flat head. What should I do?

Marie, I was wondering what to do for my two-month-old baby whose head is flatter on one side. I try to take precautions to improve
Pacifier or Thumb?

Pacifier or Thumb?

A baby can be comforted in different ways, either with a pacifier or their thumb. Which one is better?