Category: Health advice

How are Disposable Diapers Made?

How are Disposable Diapers Made?

To read the start of the article, go to Characteristics of Disposable Diapers and Wipes. There are three different parts to a disposable diaper. The
Pregnancy Tests

Pregnancy Tests

Les facteurs qui influencent la fertilité (only in French) How can you increase your likelihood of conceiving? What is BMI? Can I ask for an
Adapting to the Baby’s Arrival

Adapting to the Baby’s Arrival

Parents, it is clear that the birth of a child changes your life and requires you adapt to a complex process that is influenced by
Premature Baby Development

Premature Baby Development

To learn more about the return home, read Returning Home with the Baby. Updated article : October, 2023. When parents have a premature baby, they
How do I prepare my older child for the arrival of our new baby?

How do I prepare my older child for the arrival of our new baby?

I am expecting my second baby and was wondering how I can prepare my eighteen-month-old son for the arrival of his brother or sister… When
Zika Virus and Pregnancy

Zika Virus and Pregnancy

An infection with the Zika virus can affect everyone. It is not just about the woman. It also involves men.
Haricots rouges - Bien manger pour une grossesse en santé

Pregnancy Essentials: Proteins, Folates, Calcium, etc.

Did you read the previous part about Diet While Pregnant? During pregnancy, you have to pay attention to proteins, folates, calcium, vitamin D, iron, essential
Folic Acid Dosages

Folic Acid Dosages

To learn about foods that contain folic acid, go to Folic Acid Sources (Folates). We don’t know if there are risks in taking too much
CMV Diagnosis and Symptoms

CMV Diagnosis and Symptoms

How do you know if you’re already infected with cytomegalovirus? Unfortunately, no very precise screening tests exist.
Treating Gestational Hypertension

Treating Gestational Hypertension

To learn about the signs of gestational hypertension, read the previous part: Signs and Symptoms of Gestational Hypertension during Pregnancy. Article updated on january 2021.
The Return Home

The Return Home

For travellers returning from countries in Zika risk zones, I suggest you take the following steps.
Characteristics of Disposable Diapers and Wipes

Characteristics of Disposable Diapers and Wipes

I don’t know if you are like me, but I think that few people take the time to research disposable diapers before choosing them for