How can I become pregnant?

Health advice, Questions/answers

My name is Charlotte, and I was wondering how I can become pregnant in time to give birth in the spring like I want to. Please help me fulfill my wish. Thank you for your help, Charlotte

Hello Charlotte,

I understand your desire, and I would love to be able to provide you with a miracle recipe that always works. But it doesn’t exist. I wanted to give birth in the spring, and both my babies came in the fall. 😊 As you can see, even if you know how to become pregnant, it doesn’t make you pregnant on demand.

You need to trust in life and do what you can to promote pregnancy. This includes eating well, exercising, sleeping well, establishing a proper balance between work and play, avoiding stress, tobacco, alcohol and drugs, etc. Take multivitamins with folic acid, as this is important from the time you want to become pregnant. Then calculate your menstrual cycle to determine the time you will likely be most fertile. Please explore my website to find more information about preparing for pregnancy to make sure you have the best chance possible. Life will take care of the rest.

e stress trop important, le tabac, l’alcool, les drogues, etc. Prendre tes multivitamines avec acide folique est très important dès le désir de grossesse.

Talk soon,


The Baby Expert

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How can I become pregnant?

Par Marie Fortier Temps de lecture: 1 min