
Health advice

Hello Parents,

In this article, I want to try to highlight possible causes of infertility associated with men and women and talk about things you can do and when you should consult. In a future article, I will explain more about the range of medical services that are available for assisted human reproduction.

In this article:

  •    Percentage of Infertile Couples in Canada
  •    What causes infertility?
  •    What can you do to increase your chances of conceiving?
  •    What can you do if it doesn’t work?

Did you know that in Canada, one out of every six couples (16%) has difficulty conceiving a baby?

Do you think this number is high? Well, since 1980, the number has doubled according to Canadian statistics found in the journal Human Reproduction.

selon les statistiques canadiennes de la revue scientifique
human reproduction (en anglais seulement).

Percentage of infertile couples in Canada:

  •    1984: 5.4%
  •    1992: 8.5%
  •    2010: 15.7%

Around the world, infertility rates range from 3.5-17%, which makes Canada one of the highest countries. But why Canada?

Many parents write to me to learn how to prepare for a future pregnancy. When they are unable to become pregnant, many other questions pop up. Why me? Why him? What did we do wrong? When should we consult?

There are many definitions of infertility, but below are those used most in the clinic:

“Infertility is the failure to conceive after one year trying with regular sexual relations (2-3 times a week) without protection, for women under 35, and after 6 months for women 35 and over “. We often add consultations after six months if the woman has very irregular or no menstrual cycles.

The World Health Organisation defines infertility as “The failure to conceive after one year of having unprotected sex “.

Statistics indicate that 80% of heterosexual couples will conceive within the first year after terminating contraception, and for 20% it will take up to two years. That is why many health professionals will suggest using specialised medical assistance after two years of trying when the woman’s age allows for it. Reproduction specialists suggest consulting after one year to see if there is a problem that can be quickly identified, which can then be solved to help the couple’s fertility issues without having to go through infertility treatments.

Many couples wrongly think that they are making love at the wrong time. But there is not one specific day to conceive, but rather many surround the ovulation period. That is why a couple that makes love 2-3 times a week without protection has the chance to conceive without counting days or planning a specific moment to try.

Please read the next part of this article, What Causes Infertility?

Assurez-vous de lire la prochaine partie du billet, Quelles sont les causes de l’infertilité?


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