Category: Health advice

How to choose the baby’s bed and mattress?

How to choose the baby’s bed and mattress?

Marie, je suis bien embêtée face à toutes ces couchettes et matelas que l’on retrouve en vente sur le marché : comment savoir ce qui convient
I am pregnant, which multivitamin to choose?

I am pregnant, which multivitamin to choose?

I just learned that I’m pregnant and my friend Joane said I should take pregnancy multivitamins, but I don’t know what to choose. Can you
Medications and Pregnancy

Medications and Pregnancy

Je vous propose un éventail sommaire et pratique de médicaments sans ordonnance autorisés pendant la grossesse.
Status Report

Status Report

To learn more about urine incontinence, read Urinary Incontinence: Pregnancy and Postnatal Periods. Pour en apprendre davantage sur les pertes urinaires, consultez le billet à
Fertility treatments scare me!

Fertility treatments scare me!

Marie, my name is Amélie, and I am 30. I would like to have a baby with my husband. We have tried for a year,
My doctor wants to perform a version

My doctor wants to perform a version

Marie, I am 35 weeks pregnant, and the doctor just told me that my baby is in a breech position. He offered to turn it,
The Second Trimester - Let’s Go!

The Second Trimester – Let’s Go!

To read Melissa’s previous article, go to My First Weeks of Pregnancy. I am starting my 16th week today. I am no longer tired and
Letter to my future offspring.

Letter to my future offspring.

Hello, my name is Carolann. I am 26 years old, and for the past year, I have been using the in vitro fertilisation process to
Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy

Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy

If you haven’t read the previous part, go to Pregnancy Essentials: Proteins, Folates, etc. What you eat during pregnancy can be transmitted to your baby
The Mysteries of Raspberry Herbal Tea

The Mysteries of Raspberry Herbal Tea

Hello Parents! At different times, new mothers have asked me how to use raspberry herbal to increase their postnatal lactation. I said to myself that
CMV Infection and Transmission Risks

CMV Infection and Transmission Risks

How can someone get infected by cytomegalovirus? How can CMV be transmitted? Infection can happen many ways...
What is pemphigoid gestationis?

What is pemphigoid gestationis?

I was diagnosed with pemphigoid gestationis. I didn’t know how to react to the doctor. I have no idea what that means. Can you help?