My doctor wants to perform a version

35-36 weeks pregnant, Health advice

Marie, I am 35 weeks pregnant, and the doctor just told me that my baby is in a breech position. He offered to turn it, but it scares me. Can you give me your opinion? Thanks, Marylène

Marylène, I know that this isn’t the situation you were hoping for. You and your baby are fine, which is the most important thing. Also, since the doctor suggested a version, a technique to turn your baby, he thinks there’s a good chance it will work.

A version has to take place before the 37th week of pregnancy. After 37 weeks, there is less water and less space to turn your baby as it’s bigger. At 36 weeks, if the baby still seems to be in a breech position, the doctor will ask for a control ultrasound to see if a version is still possible.

The caregiver that performs the version is trained to do it. If it is suggested, it means that they consider it both safe and possible. They will try, and if it is difficult or impossible, they will stop the technique and send you back to your doctor to talk about the next steps.

I hope this helps you overcome your fears!

Talk soon,


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My doctor wants to perform a version

Par Marie Fortier Temps de lecture: 1 min