I feel nauseous and am very tired! How long will I have these pregnancy symptoms for?

5-6 weeks pregnant, Health advice, Questions/answers

I am seven weeks pregnant with my first baby. I am already fed up! Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and fatigue…how long will these symptoms last?

Thanks for your help, Céline

Ha! Céline, most new mothers will experience this. But be assured that it won’t last for the whole pregnancy, and don’t forget that there is a little baby growing inside you at the same time. Many of your symptoms are associated with hormonal changes. Please read my article about ailments and symptoms experienced during pregnancy to understand what is happening to you.

Talk soon,


The Baby Expert 

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I feel nauseous and am very tired! How long will I have these pregnancy symptoms for?

Par Marie Fortier Temps de lecture: <1 min