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Is my colostrum rich enough even though there isn’t much?

Is my colostrum rich enough even though there isn’t much?

I am a new mother, and a nurse in the maternity ward told me that the colostrum from my breasts is very rich for my
Why skin-to-skin at birth?

Why skin-to-skin at birth?

Marie, my friend told me that after giving birth to her child, the staff placed the baby directly on her, skin-to-skin. Why? Placing the baby
Babywearing Options

Babywearing Options

To read the previous part of this article, go to Babywearing Benefits for the Baby. There are many babywearing options. I will look at different
How do I know if I have a blocked milk duct?

How do I know if I have a blocked milk duct?

How would I know, Mary, if I have a blocked milk duct in my breast? I wouldn't know how to find out. How could I?
How to recognize mastitis?

How to recognize mastitis?

Marie, how will I know if I have mastitis? I have no idea what I should see. I want to prevent this from happening. I
I have a tingling sensation in my breasts before breastfeeding.

I have a tingling sensation in my breasts before breastfeeding.

I don’t know what’s happening, but I often have a tingling sensation in my breasts before breastfeeding, and sometimes between sessions. Why does this happen?
How do I know when the baby is ready to breastfeed after birth?

How do I know when the baby is ready to breastfeed after birth?

Marie, I have a silly question, but here it goes. How do I know if the baby is ready to breastfeed after birth? This will
Should I continue breastfeeding?

Should I continue breastfeeding?

Marie, I gave birth to my little boy at 35 weeks pregnant four days ago. Everything is going well, but my baby is really tired
How can I become pregnant?

How can I become pregnant?

My name is Charlotte, and I was wondering how I can become pregnant in time to give birth in the spring like I want to.
Do I have to wash my breasts before breastfeeding?

Do I have to wash my breasts before breastfeeding?

Marie, I have a question, and the answers I have gotten are not always the same. Do I need to wash my breast with a