Category: Delivery

Forceps or Cesarean?

Forceps or Cesarean?

Forceps are a metal instrument that looks like two opposing spoons.
Childbirth and Social Networks

Childbirth and Social Networks

Des images et des vidéos souvent très personnelles sont partagées à grand rayonnement, et ce, même pour des événements intimes.
The Differences Between Term and Premature Childbirth

The Differences Between Term and Premature Childbirth

To read the previous part of the article, go to The Main Causes of Premature Childbirth. You need to consider the differences between giving birth
Experiencing a Cesarean Section

Experiencing a Cesarean Section

Given that a caesarian is a major surgery which involves risks, I think that it’s important that future parents get informed about the procedure.
Important Resources and Support for Anxiety

Important Resources and Support for Anxiety

Vous pouvez consulter un ou des professionnels (md, psychiatre, psychologue) dont le but est de faire une évaluation complète.
Paternal Depression During the Perinatal Period

Paternal Depression During the Perinatal Period

Marie, I don’t know what’s happening to my husband. He’s closed, doesn’t seem happy, more irritable. I need to stimulate him to do things he


You don’t know what to buy for your baby? Over the years, I have tested many! I have listed everything in my Amazon Store. Each
Why induce when I already have contractions?

Why induce when I already have contractions?

My friend Melissa told me that the doctor induced her labour, but she already had contractions. I don’t understand why she was induced when she
Is it better to tear or have an episiotomy during childbirth?

Is it better to tear or have an episiotomy during childbirth?

My name is Florence, and I am pregnant for the first time. I am at 29 weeks. Last week, I had a friend who had
Is there a method to prevent perineal complications?

Is there a method to prevent perineal complications?

I am a nurse and heard about Dr. de Gasquet’s method, which tries to prevent perineal complications during pregnancy and childbirth. Can you tell me
I am scared of having my perineum cut during childbirth!

I am scared of having my perineum cut during childbirth!

I am 30 weeks pregnant and expecting my first baby. I am really scared that the doctor will cut my perineum during childbirth. Does this