Category: Third trimester

Clearing the Airways

Clearing the Airways

How to know if your baby is at risk of choking or suffocating? A paramedic shows us how to clear a baby’s airways.
Childbirth in a Hospital with an Epidural

Childbirth in a Hospital with an Epidural

Marie accompanies Karine and Jocelyn to the hospital for the birth of their second baby. During this birth, the doctor will induce labour. You will
Evolution of Labour

Evolution of Labour

What conditions are necessary for natural childbirth? Marie talks about them in clear terms. You will then be able to understand labour as it evolves
Baby Stool

Baby Stool

Marie answers your questions about baby stool. A broad topic that often concerns parents. What’s the consistency, colour and texture of baby stool?
Baby Intestinal Immunity / Intestinal Microbiota

Baby Intestinal Immunity / Intestinal Microbiota

What a baby’s immune system is like at birth? The mother will have transmitted many antibodies during pregnancy.
My doctor wants to perform a version

My doctor wants to perform a version

Marie, I am 35 weeks pregnant, and the doctor just told me that my baby is in a breech position. He offered to turn it,
33-34 Weeks Pregnant

33-34 Weeks Pregnant

The weeks pass, and I will get to know you soon. Already at 33 weeks! Wow! Since the 20-week ultrasound, time is flying. Your room
Osteopathy and baby

Osteopathy and baby

Osteopathy can help babies release tensions and strains after childbirth. Did you know you can do this in the water?
Caesarian deliveries

Caesarian deliveries

Some pregnancies end with a caesarean section. To prepare for this option, Marie meets with Dr. Guy Waddell.
Milk Intolerance and Allergies

Milk Intolerance and Allergies

Marie answers your questions about milk intolerances and allergies. How can you recognise an intolerance, and what should you do?
Breastfeeding : Living the first moments

Breastfeeding : Living the first moments

Did you just give birth and the baby is searching for your breast? Discover the first moments of breastfeeding with a breastfeeding consultant.
Birthing room

Birthing room

Delivery rooms in hospitals have changed the way we experience the arrival of a baby. Take a guided tour...