Category: Third trimester
Sexuality and Pregnancy
The pregnancy can be a time when the couple deepens its affective and sexual communications. While many cultures and religions frown on sexual relations during
I am at 41 weeks and still nothing!
Read the previous part of this story, I am at 40 weeks tomorrow. Dear Parents, I am at 41 weeks and still nothing. Yesterday we
Osteopathy and baby
Osteopathy can help babies release tensions and strains after childbirth. Did you know you can do this in the water?
Support During Pregnancy and delivery
The people accompanying a woman during labour must be ready for their roles. Julie Bonapace suggests things during childbirth.
The Calming Dance
Your baby is inconsolable, and you’ve tried everything. Have you tried the calming dance?
The baby isn’t moving as much…
I feel that my baby is moving less and I’m worried because I like it when they move around. How can I know if they
Baby Massages
Do you want to massage your baby but don’t know where to start? In this video, a teacher, will show you how to practice.
Mobility of Pregnant Women During Pregnancy
Make no mistake pregnant women, one day you will have difficulty bending over! This is due to your baby growing inside your warm uterus. Do
Caesarians and Fathers (video in french only)
Une césarienne est une chirurgie. Comment se déroulera l’intervention pour les papas?
35-36 Weeks Pregnant
Hello, baby reporting! Listen, parents, I am in a tight spot here in Mom’s tummy, and I am really looking forward to getting out and
My thoughts these days are about animal management
Read Chantal's previous story, Tick-tock…Anguish as time passes both too slowly and too quickly… Lisez le récit précédent de Chantal en consultant Les tics et
What is stripping?
Marie, my doctor talked about stripping my membrane to help start my labour. Does it hurt, and does it work all the time? Membrane stripping