Tag: Feeding your baby

Allaitement - bébé au sein

Pharmacological Treatments for Nipple Injuries

There are many possible pharmacological treatments which help sooth and heal nipple injuries during brestfeeding your baby.
Foods Rich in Iron

Foods Rich in Iron

Many foods rich in iron are available, and you can find a few of the best ones below. Vitamin C
Is my colostrum rich enough even though there isn’t much?

Is my colostrum rich enough even though there isn’t much?

I am a new mother, and a nurse in the maternity ward told me that the colostrum from my breasts is very rich for my
Ultrasounds and Breastfeeding

Ultrasounds and Breastfeeding

Les ultrasons provoquent des micromassages dégageant de la chaleur qui aident à détendre les canaux lactifères dans les seins.
How do I sterilise a bottle nipple?

How do I sterilise a bottle nipple?

Article updated: April 2024. The recommendations of the INESPQ 2024 recommend sterilizing all bottle items up to 4 months of age, if the baby is
Treatments for Mycosis

Treatments for Mycosis

To learn more about mycosis, read the previous part, Fungal Infections and Breastfeeding (Mycosis). First, there are many treatments for mycosis. You can start with
Baby Diets: When to Introduce Solid Foods

Baby Diets: When to Introduce Solid Foods

When to Introduce Solid Foods? Is it the right time? What food should they start with? What quantities?
Breast Engorgement During Breastfeeding

Breast Engorgement During Breastfeeding

Before talking about breast engorgement solutions, I would like to define engorgement. There are two types: vascular and late.
A Baby’s Iron Needs

A Baby’s Iron Needs

Everyone needs iron, which is a mineral that promotes normal growth of the brain, helps transport oxygenation.
The Art of Serving Purées

The Art of Serving Purées

L'art de servir les purées de bébé : quand servir le repas, quelle quantité de purée donner et à quelle température?
Why skin-to-skin at birth?

Why skin-to-skin at birth?

Marie, my friend told me that after giving birth to her child, the staff placed the baby directly on her, skin-to-skin. Why? Placing the baby
How many ounces of milk per container when I freeze my milk?

How many ounces of milk per container when I freeze my milk?

When I freeze my milk, how many ounces per container? Thanks, Valerie Excellent question, Valerie. But it depends on how much your baby drinks. If