Tag: Pathology screening

What are the signs of postpartum depression?

What are the signs of postpartum depression?

I just gave birth, and my doctor said I was starting to show signs of postpartum depression. He told me to go see a specialist;
Can I ask for a hearing screening test for my baby in the maternity ward?

Can I ask for a hearing screening test for my baby in the maternity ward?

Le bébé de mon amie a fait les tests à la naissance pour valider s’il entendait bien. Est-ce que je vais pouvoir le demander à
My 3-month-old baby vomits several times a day.

My 3-month-old baby vomits several times a day.

Marie, my 3-month-old baby vomits several times a day and it is yellow-green in colour. I have never seen that before. Should I go see
Diet to Prevent Allergies?

Diet to Prevent Allergies?

The mother must adapt their diet, which will eliminate proteins from dairy products (milk proteins) to see if there’s a change in the baby allergies.
My baby has a flaccid arm

My baby has a flaccid arm

I gave birth 3 weeks ago, and find that my baby has one arm that is more flaccid than the other. When I raise it,
Lactose Intolerance or Allergy

Lactose Intolerance or Allergy

Lactose (milk sugar) intolerance or allergy is very rare for babies and is often associated with family history and genetics.
Signs of a Food Allergy

Signs of a Food Allergy

The symptoms of a food allergy can vary from one child to another and in intensity.