Tag: Purée

Foods to Start with in your Baby’s Diet

Foods to Start with in your Baby’s Diet

Bien qu'il n'existe pas d'ordre d'introduction formel, les aliments à privilégier pour débuter l'alimentation de bébé sont nombreux.
Is there arsenic in baby cereal?

Is there arsenic in baby cereal?

Marie, I heard someone say that there is arsenic in baby cereal. This worries me...
Iron Deficiencies and Anemia in Babies Under 1 Year

Iron Deficiencies and Anemia in Babies Under 1 Year

Iron deficiency and anemia is the most widespread deficiency in babies under 1 year of age. Over the long-term, iron deficiencies lead to iron-deficiency anemia.
Does my baby have an allergy?

Does my baby have an allergy?

My one month old baby cries every night for one hour, and I think they are allergic to the formula I give them. What else
How to Increase Iron in an Infant’s Diet

How to Increase Iron in an Infant’s Diet

In a recipe, replace half the flour by twice the quantity of iron-enriched baby cereals.
A Baby’s Iron Needs

A Baby’s Iron Needs

Everyone needs iron, which is a mineral that promotes normal growth of the brain, helps transport oxygenation.
Can I give apple juice to my four-month-old baby?

Can I give apple juice to my four-month-old baby?

I want to give my baby some apple juice to help them eliminate their stool. He’s 4 months old. Is that OK? Thanks for any
Introducing Solid Foods

Introducing Solid Foods

In this week’s video, she talks about introducing solid foods to your baby. What age should you start?
Lactose Intolerance or Allergy

Lactose Intolerance or Allergy

Lactose (milk sugar) intolerance or allergy is very rare for babies and is often associated with family history and genetics.
The Risks of Baby-Led Weaning

The Risks of Baby-Led Weaning

What are the risks of baby-led weaning that should be considered when deciding how to feed your baby?
What does baby-led weaning, or BLW, mean?

What does baby-led weaning, or BLW, mean?

Baby-led weaning, or BLW is a feeding method that consists of offering pieces of food to the baby early in life.
Baby Diets: When to Introduce Solid Foods

Baby Diets: When to Introduce Solid Foods

When to Introduce Solid Foods? Is it the right time? What food should they start with? What quantities?