Guide to Introducing Solids to Infants

Postnatal, Practical hints

You can print the PDF Food Introduction Table (in french only*) and place it on your fridge. Check off each food after you introduce it.

Here is a table for introducing solid foods. It brings together the basic things you need to consider during this transition phase and is a practical guide. Before starting this important stage, please read the following articles and watch the following videos for important information. 

  1. Baby Diets : When to Introduce Solid Foods?
  2. Live Video about Introducing Solids
  3. Food Intolerances and Allergies in Young Children

For making purées:

  1. Everything You Need to Know About Homemade Purées
  2. Baby Purées with a Dietician (Video)
  3. Ebook – Baby Purée Recipes (in french only)

Ready to start? Print the PDF Food Introduction Table (in french only*) and start checking off each food you introduce! 

Also, don’t forget to equipe yourself :


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